- jQuerey
It is an open source software .It is a cross plateform java script designed to simplify the client site scripting of HTML.It is a fast small and feature rich java script libirary . it makes things like HTML document traversal and manupulation, event handling ,animation and AJAX much simpler with an easy to use API that works across a mulititude of browsers .jQuery also provides capiblities for developers to creat plugins on to of the java script libirary. this enables developers to creat abstraction for low level interaction and animation advance effect and high level themeable widgets .
- Encourages separation of java scripts and HTML.
- Brevity and clarity.
- Elementas cross browsers incompatibilities extensible
- Documentation object model(DOM) elements selection, traversal and manipulation enabled by its selector engine created a new programming style.This style influenced the architecture of other javascript framework like YUIV3 and Doja.later simulating the creation of the standard selector API.
- Events
- Effects and animation
- Ajax
- JSON parsing
- Compatibility
- Multibrowser support.